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Mike Smith

Mike Smith

Categories: Entertainment & Shows | Motivation | Teamwork | Music Speakers

Travels from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Mike Smith is an amazing motivational speaker who uses music to illustrate concepts of leadership, teamwork and collaboration in a unique and unforgettable way.

Mike Smith is a unique motivational speaker who shares concepts of leadership, teamwork and collaboration through group experiences in which audiences learn to use common objects to make music and find harmony among themselves. His teachings refer to the ability to coordinate the talent, energy and will of oneself, as well as of the people around us, with the intention of achieving a goal, preferably without wearing down the health of the group or individual.

Mike Smith makes this happen through knowing who we are and what we need to be in harmony, healthy and ready to work as a team and on ourselves. Participants are guided step by step and in a surprising way to find themselves immersed in an orchestration experience, experiencing a euphoria that music has generated in human beings for thousands of years.

Among Mike Smith's milestones are more than 30 international congresses, 90,000 people trained, 14 years of experience, and studies carried out in transpersonal and organizational psychology

Mike Smith is Certified in NLP, Group Psychology, Coaching and Leadership and has additional studies in Hypnosis, Alternative Medicine, Music, Meditation, Music Therapy, Stress Management, Theater, Human Development, Organizational Culture and Marketing. 

Mike Smith's magic is music to the ears of work teams across the country.

Smart Speakers is a proud member of the IASB 


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Smart Speakers USA Corp
9595 Six Pines Dr.
Suite 8210
The Woodlands, TX 77380

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