Making #VirtualWork Awesome
2020 and its aftermath turned our world upside down. It changed just about every area of our lives, and work was no exception. While remote work existed before, it’s the norm now. As we boldly explore what it means to create exceptional virtual work environments, we can’t just assume previous practices will produce similar results. With very real WFH issues emerging—think Zoom fatigue, burnout, lack of motivation, rising feelings of disconnection and isolation— it’s time to rethink how we approach company culture. From bringing intentionality to our communication to fostering a sense of belonging despite the challenges of hybrid work, to reimagining camaraderie and community when we’re not gathered in one physical space and place, this presentation examines what we need to create an awesome, energized work environment, no matter where people are working from.
• A better understanding of the shifts needed for a truly dynamic virtual workplace
• Predictions on what it will take to foster a healthy hybrid work culture
• Practical strategies to redesign how you communicate, connect, and collaborate in a virtual space
• Best practices from organizations with proven awesome virtual and hybrid workplaces
*VIRTUAL-"Maintaining a Healthy Culture in the Time of COVID-19" Alt. title: Effective Communication During COVID-19
It’s hard enough to communicate effectively in the best of times. When a crisis hits, all of a sudden there’s stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and even fear added to the mix. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we work, connect and communicate. While the challenge to convey clarity in the chaos is very real, there are some proven strategies to help everyone at work craft clear messages with intention. Understanding the best ways to communicate in hard times like these can be the difference between a culture of isolation and misunderstanding, and one of connection, unity, and perhaps most importantly… calm.
LEADERSHIP REDEFINED: A Critical Shift for the Modern Workforce
The tides have changed, and so have perceptions about what makes for a good job, a good organization, and a good leadership methodology. So why is it that so many leaders continue to operate with a workplace ethos that just isn't resonating in our modern working world? Those that aren’t adapting to the new rules of the game are facing an environment rife with frustrated employees, high attrition rates, and broken lines of communication... not to mention a pipeline of talent that will quickly dry up without some much-needed change.
Through this presentation, Lisa makes the case for why the new leadership mindset shift is critical, and explores how the best in the biz are embracing transformation and choosing…
- Trust and transparency over strict rules and regulation
- Radical candor over formal, diplomatic messaging
- Listening to understand over listening to respond
- People and empathy over dollars and cents
Who is this for? Executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
In today's workplace culture, the loudest voice in the room is the one that gets heard. In meetings, the employee that can articulate their thoughts fastest is labeled a rock star. In digital communication, one person groans at the sight of a text message while another cringes when listening to voicemail. Just like that, your message can be misinterpreted and then you’re falling behind, getting passed over for promotions, and worst of all, becoming frustrated with your fellow colleagues, managers, or leaders. Expert communicator, speaker, and storyteller Lisa breaks down how people at all levels can communicate more effectively so that everyone’s voice is heard and nothing gets lost in translation.
Takeaways include:
- How to use empathetic communication and active listening techniques that will fundamentally change the way you communicate
- Awareness of the most prevalent communication mishaps in the workplace, and how to overcome them
- Concrete strategies that will allow you to deliver messages clearly, and in a way that resonates
Who is this for? Leaders, managers, new hires, and everyone in between.
Everyone deserves an amazing place to work... so why do so many people dread getting out of bed in the morning? We’ve embraced future-focused, cutting-edge tools to revolutionize how we work, but have let ideas about company culture evolve at a snail’s pace. With organizational strategies better-suited to the last century, it’s no wonder that so many employees are struck by a case of the Sunday scaries. Lisa’s presentation aims to shed light on strategies that actually matter for not only today’s workforce, but the workforce of the future. She’ll challenge the way you think about culture, communication, work ethic, and trust so that no matter your level, whether you’re a new hire or a mid-level manager, a senior executive or a front-line employee, you can learn how to create a workplace that works (and doesn’t suck).
Takeaways include:
- Mindset-shifting insights on the future of work and how to stay competitive in a continuously shifting landscape
- A fresh perspective on work culture that challenges the way things “should be done”
- Best-practices from organizations with proven awesome workplaces, and how you can adapt their strategies for your workplace
Who is this for? Leaders, managers, new hires and everyone in between.
How Gen Z is Shaping the Future of Work
In a very real way, Generation Z is seeing the world differently than any generation that’s come before. And while they’re often lumped in with Millennials, Gen Z—born 1996 to 2010—has emerged as a distinct cohort that’s shifting the workplace in profound ways. These are true digital natives who were raised by skeptical and independent Generation Xers. Never having known a time without the internet, Gen Z is unsurprisingly resetting expectations for communication, engagement, and motivation at work. From ghosting to Facetuning to Bitmoji resumes, this presentation takes you into the Gen Z mindset, the ways they may shift the future of work, and how you can adapt to meet the changing tides.
• Gain strategies to recruit and retain the youngest generation at work
• Learn why the human element will be even more critical for engaging these digital natives
• Deep understanding of the why behind the what of Gen Z behavior and motivation
• Tools to navigate the most current and critical workplace trends
Connecting Across Generations
We are living in the golden age of technology. With options to connect that include texting, calling, emailing, IMing, DMing, it should be a breeze to get your message heard. But add five generations into the mix and the fact that we’re all strapped for time, and you have the perfect recipe for miscommunication and messages getting lost in translation. What one generation perceives as rude and unprofessional can be seen as kind and relatable to another. These misunderstandings can seriously impact team dynamics, peer relationships, and—ultimately—the bottom line. Learning how many emojis or exclamation points are OK to use is only a small part of the solution; it’s equally critical to learn how to build authentic connections, listen to one another, and respond respectfully. This presentation will explore not only how we connect differently, but why.
• Decrypting every generation’s potential miscommunications, and how to prevent them before they occur
• Best practices for balancing technology use with day-to-day interactions
• Identifying the potential areas for disconnect across generations
• Spotlight on how Gen Z influences communication at work
Gen Z and Millennials: The Subtweet No One’s Talking About
It’s a story often told: a new generation enters the workplace and every other generation grapples with how to understand and connect with the unknown factor on their teams. For the past fifteen years, this tale has focused on the over-researched Millennials, and while some might prefer to unsubscribe from the generational conversation (especially Millennials themselves), Generation Z’s presence is cause for a reboot. Because much to everyone’s surprise, they are proving to behave, communicate, and engage in stark contrast to their predecessors. Who’s feeling that pain the most? Millennials. From how each generation was raised, to how they collaborate, what they expect for work-life balance, and how they prefer manager-managee relationships… the potential for conflict is high. This presentation makes sense of the change so everyone can work together seamlessly as their most authentic selves.
• The truth about how similar Gen Z and Millennials are (or aren’t)
• Tools for Millennial managers to engage Gen Z
• Communication tactics for Gen Z to manage their Millennial managers
• Analysis of the latest generational trends impacting the workplace